He/she is punctual and neat at all times.

He/she is honest within himself/herself and with others The institutions owned and managed by a society comes under the category of the Christian Religious Minority Institutions established and administered within the scope and ambit of the safeguard of the Articles 29 and 30 of the Indian Constitution. In, school he/ she is formed to grow into a good citizen of the country. are means to raise the quality of life of students. The rules, regulations, traditions and uniform etc. The quality of a school is reflected in the quality of its students. Infant Jesus International is deeply committed to an all round education that develops every aspect of the child's personality. A great emphasis is laid on achieving high academic excellence and great intellectual calibre. It is a co-educational institute pioneering pedagogy focusing entirely on nurturing and developing the skills, aptitudes as well as attitudes needed for meaningful, co-existence in the 21st century. Modern teaching aids and scientifically developed environment, form the corner stone of education. Infant Jesus international is the only International School of Shamshabad, giving the children world class facilities with an ambience conductive to teaching and learning.