
Fallout shelter training tips
Fallout shelter training tips

fallout shelter training tips

It also affects the degree of coolness of hiking in the wastelands, or rather on the found items there.

  • Parameter good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for the production of water/energy/eddies, so swing L (luck) in the first place.
  • The good ones are predominantly through lunch boxes.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your residents are obtained in the wastelands.
  • Don't forget to train someone for production all the time.
  • Be sure to build production rooms on 3 fields, and training rooms on 1 cell.
  • It is desirable to build a 1-2 cell radio as a substitute for procreation.
  • An important note - men in the park must have charisma, the higher the better. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter.
  • To earn money in Fallout Shelter, use rush.
  • When releasing someone from the inhabitants to hunt in the wasteland, hand out: 20 steampacks and 10 radx.
  • fallout shelter training tips

    Without water, radioactive contamination will start and then everyone will get sick. There must always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it.6 Video of the coolest residents in Fallout Shelter Short tips and secrets of Fallout Shelter

    Fallout shelter training tips